The Golden Pig Food and Wine School

Are all those reality cooking shows inspiring you to get back into the kitchen? Then this is something to consider! Get into a real working kitchen with a chef who knows her stuff and has cooked for celebrities. Whip up a veritable feast and then sit down and enjoy the fruits of your labour. Want to know more? Read on …



Macchiato Me, Ashgrove

Ashgrove’s coffee scene is heating up and this little espresso bar is a serious contender. With an owner who’s very passionate about her coffee, you’re guaranteed a great cup of coffee – steaming hot or icy cold!

Read all about it:



Colouring in for adults – the craze that has captured the imagination of adults world wide!

So you think colouring in is just for kids! You are SO wrong!  Illustrator and “ink evangelist” Johanna Basford is fast becoming a household name.  Read on to see why she is hearing the sounds of cash registers ringing all around the world …..
